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It's Finally Here! The Highly Anticipated Book...


"The Light In Times of Darkness"

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What's the book about?​​​​​​​

Have Gratitude for this Amazing Life and It will lead you to beautiful destinations. Enjoy the journey. 

From the captivating author Janine Hernandez, The Light- In Times of Darkness is a story about overcoming life’s adversities despite the hardships that get thrown your way. As a follow up to her previous manuscript, Life is A Beautiful Journey, Janine expresses how you still can live a life full of gratitude by taking each experience as a new lesson in your toolbox. In life you have two choices. You can walk through it as a victim or as a survivor.  The Light will take you through a “journey” as Janine shares more of her deepest stories and how she was able to overcome narcissistic abuse. Janine will walk you through the dark times and then how she overcame them by guiding principle she uses today 


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About the Author:

Janine Hernandez has always been very intuitive, sensitive to energy, and a believer that her soul has lived many lives. At times she has ignored her intuition which led her to face tough decisions and situations that ultimately molded her into the woman she is today. Although Janine worked really hard on herself for many years, she eventually surrendered. She understood that she no longer had control over her life and that a greater force was responsible for this new life she was creating. Everything she so deeply asked for, the Universe started to provide effortlessly. In this book, Janine shares her personal life story and how everything she has gone through always ends up being a full circle moment where one’s circumstance leads her to the next big blessing. You have all the answers inside of you,  sometimes you just need something special to help you unveil that. This life and the people you meet along the way are our greatest teachers, tap into your inner self and learn through every experience. Janine is a #1 Best Selling Author, Speaker and Book Coach.

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