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Meditation for Authors

Updated: Nov 12, 2021

Meditation for authors | Mindfulness writing

Our minds wander every second of the day, They say we have ten thousand thoughts per day and mostly negative thoughts come to mind. Mindfulness will reduce anxiety while writing your book, and even help with being more creative. In this post I can help go over 5 ways to meditate and clear the mind to help with your writing.

  • Journaling

Keep a journal handy, to write down ideas, inspirations, dreams, goals, affirmations, what you are grateful for, stories, organize a todo list. Staying organized is key, it may seem like a hassle but believe me it is definitely handy. You can use applications such as Evernote if it is easier to do note taking on a computer.

  • Nature

Sunlight is healthy for the state of the mind, it helps with creativity when combined with gratitude it helps set the tone for the day, whichever time of day you choose to write it will increase productivity. Sit in nature somewhere relaxing and beautiful, take deep breaths and observe your feelings and emotions.

  • Deep Breathing

Take Ten deep breaths when your mind is not centered, try to get some oxygen to the brain. Make sure to breathe in through your nose as much as you can, into your spine and hold it a few seconds. Blow the oxygen out your mouth like if you were sipping through a straw. Repeat 10 times or as much as you need to refocus on the present.

  • Exercise

Exercise will help with negative thinking, your body needs to stay active. The thoughts of “how can I” “I Can’t” vanish. Along with nature and sunlight it is very useful for being the best self possible. Yoga can help alot with being mindful and present. Make sure to breathe, breath is a life force. It actually is necessary in all these exercises. Try to get enough oxygen to your brain, don’t be a victim of shallow breathing.

  • Bonus

Mindfulness writing prompts practicing your writing, and sharing your thoughts, read it and meditate on it.You can also read meditation scriptures to meditate on.

  • Conclusion

Do not think too much, just write and perfect it later as long as the content is formatted to your target audience. You can take out or edit afterwards. Write your story, your why, let your emotions out. You can put it all together perfectly later. Create empathy in your story. Meditation is a big plus for creativity.

I hope this was helpful and allows you to see the writing process from a different perspective. It's hard, but certainly do-able. Here you can find a free guide to self-publishing.

These are just some tips of many that you can do. But always make sure that you are going above and beyond to get the word out. And keep in mind, this author journey is just that, a journey. Make sure you don’t give up. What might not work the first time, might work the second time. Stay consistent and innovative and you will succeed! to help you jump-start that process! We also have our own Book Publishing Academy program to help upcoming authors self-publish from start to finish. This is perfect for our friends who need a little bit more guidance but want to take the publishing process into their own hands. Schedule your free strategy session today!

Written by: Daniel Marin

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